Screen panels 20-50 API have a double layer design, screen panels 60-325 API have a triple layer design. The first layer of the screen panel plate is made of SS304 grade steel, the second and the third layers of the screen panel plates are made of SS316L grade steel.
Framed screen panels – the frame is made of composite materials resistant to corrosive drilling muds. Storage life of screen panels with composite frame is over 5 years. Composite frame screen panels have an effective area 10-20% larger than metal framed screen panels. High quality fiber glass is used to improve temperature rating of the composite material, the composite frame maintains its properties under temperature of up to140 degrees Celsius.
Four-sided tension of the screen plates is used during fabrication of the screen panels. The screen plates can be fabricated with both square and rectangle mesh shapes. Plugs for isolation of the ruptured mesh areas can be used to extend service life.
Characteristics of our screen panels You can find here.