Микрокальцит (мрамор молотый) различных фракций Microcalcite (ground marble) of different fractions is one of the most popular materials in the sector of industry and building construction.
Microcalcite has a calcium carbonate content of at least 98.5 %, microcalcite whiteness is of at least 96%.
Microcalcite can be of different fractions: from 2 µm to 500 µm. Microcalcite is a safe and incombustible material. Microcalcite has strength and resistance to external influences, including acidic mediums and ultraviolet. The micro calcite has good adhesive properties.
Microcalcite of fractions 2, 5 and 7 microns is used for the manufacture of drilling muds. Microcalcite is used for the production of plastics, insulation materials, rubber technical products. It is used in the paint-and-varnish industry in the production of paints and primers. Microcalcite of larger fractions is widely used in the manufacture of building mixtures, cleaning powders, linoleum and roofing materials.
Our company offers Microcalcite of both Russian and imported production.